Can I Get Carbon Monoxide Poisoning from My Air Conditioner?



Can I get carbon monoxide poisoning from my air conditioner? Carbon monoxide poisoning sends almost many thousands of people to the emergency room every year. Anyone, including pets, infants, and adults, could die from CO poisoning. In most cases, it is undetectable unless you have a carbon monoxide detector in your home.

The gasses from carbon monoxide are colorless, odorless, and are known as the "silent killer."

CO poisoning can be avoided if you use the right equipment and stay alert. It is worth noting; your AC won't create carbon monoxide as they don't burn any fuel.

However, it is your furnace that could cause this. Either way, still err on the side of caution and use your local Phoenix air conditioning maintenance to check all your cooling and heating equipment.


Install Several CO detectors

A carbon monoxide detector should be installed in every home, but more is recommended.

If you are unsure, your Phoenix air conditioning maintenance can install one in each bedroom. Your AC repair expert can also help you determine the number of detectors your home requires based on the layout.

In between any AC maintenance visit, you will need to check the batteries and replace them as required.


Use Phoenix Air Conditioning Maintenance to Maintain Fuel-Burning Appliances

It's critical to understand which appliances can cause CO poisoning. Check the venting and maintenance of your boiler, water heaters, and other fuel-burning appliances. To ensure they're in good working order, have them tested by a licensed technician once every year.


Fuel-Burning Appliance Symptoms

  • Soot falls on your appliance or fireplace.
  • Chimneys have no upward draft.
  • You have orange or yellow flames rather than blue ones.
  • There is a build-up of moisture on windows and walls.

If any of the above symptoms occur, you can contact Phoenix air conditioning maintenance as soon as possible to get the problem fixed.


Don't Use Exterior Appliances Indoors

Barbecue grills, and camp stoves should only be used outdoors if they are made explicit for them. Your oven should never heat your home. This increases the chance of a fire while also putting you at risk of CO poisoning.


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Understand the Signs and Symptoms of CO Poisoning

The first symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are a mild headache and shortness of breath when doing moderate exercise. More severe headaches, fatigue, nausea, and dizziness can occur if you continue to be exposed. Confusion, poor judgment, irritability, and even loss of consciousness are all symptoms.

  • Do you feel better when you're not at home?
  • Is the whole family ill at the same time?
  • The signs and symptoms are becoming more serious.

If you suspect something is wrong, the best course of action is to contact your emergency Phoenix air conditioning maintenance at Rescue One Air, and you can find the condition of your home's heating and cooling systems.

Contact Rescue One Air to schedule Air conditioning maintenance or if you have other urgent needs, then complete the compact form below for a fast response.

You can check out our customer reviews or browse through the Rescue One Air video library to see our AC repair crews in action for further information.

Photo by Martin Adams on Unsplash


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