Can a Leak in Air Conditioner Be Fixed? Tempe AC Repair

Rescue One Air is the absolute best at dealing with a leaky air conditioner. Air conditioners that leak are common, and they may be fixed. Ignoring the problem might lead to severe complications that will need the help of a qualified AC repair professional.

A broken drain pan, clogged condensate drains, or a blocked air filter could all cause your air conditioner to leak water.

To avoid such repairs, learn more about why you need Tempe Air Conditioning maintenance.


Tempe AC Repair Deals with Gunked Up Air Filters

Replace the air filter or at the very least inspect it every 30 days, especially during peak usage seasons.

Most filters need to be replaced every 30-60 days, but when used with a pre-filter, a HEPA filter will trap even the finest particles and last up to 1-2 years. Contact Rescue Air One for an air filtration consultation.

Because of a dirty air filter, your evaporator coils will freeze, and when they defrost, water may spill. A dirty air filter can also prevent your air conditioner from turning on; therefore, check the filter first for most air conditioner problems!


Tempe AC Repair Deal with Cracked Pans and Pipes

The second most common cause of leaks is this. Locate and examine your overflow drain pan for any damage. A flashlight in the loft or basement can check the indoor air handling unit.

Check the drain line and pan for cracks, holes, and leaks when the unit is turned off. The drain pan collects condensate from your evaporator coil, and, in most situations, a pipe connects the drain pan to the exterior. Check the drain pan and lines for any damage.

Although an AC repair specialist can make that a replacement pan drains as it should when doing Air conditioning maintenance on your AC units, epoxy glue can repair cracks. You can avoid the growth of mold with their help.

If the water isn't draining, you may have a plugged condensate drainpipe. It may make things more difficult for you but finding a block or installing a new pipe is simple for a professional AC repair technician.

Tempe AC Maintenance

Where Do I Find Tempe AC Maintenance?

Some individuals use bleach to clean pipes, yet it is safer to let your Air conditioning maintenance deal with potential mold problems. Contact Rescue One Air to schedule Air conditioning maintenance or if you have other questions, complete the compact form below for a fast response.

You can check out our customer reviews or browse through the Rescue One Air video library to see our AC repair crews in action for further information.

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