Can a Bad thermostat Cause AC Not to Cool? Tempe AC Repair


Same Day AC Repair Tempe, AZ

Can a bad thermostat cause AC not to cool? When a thermostat experiences repair issues, it frequently loses contact with the air conditioner. Although you will need repair specialists to fix the thermostat in such circumstances, there should be no harm to the AC itself that requires attention.

Here you can learn things to look out for and why it is wise to call Rescue One Air your Tempe air conditioning maintenance experts.


Tempe Air Conditioning Repair Experts

Short-start-stop cycling is one of the worst things that can happen to a compressor. The tension doesn't just impact the compressor; it also affects the motors, causing them to burn out. The thermostat wires that link to the air conditioner can fail in a way that forces the fan to run continuously.

This puts a lot of strain on the fan motor, which can be destructive to the AC's motor. The most important part of an air conditioner is the most expensive to replace if it fails and needs repair. The best way to fix a faulty thermostat is to get it replaced by a repairman.


Symptoms Of Faulty Thermostat

1# Your air unit runs 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Have you observed that your air conditioning is on all the time? This is a sign your thermostat isn't working. It could be the wiring, yet it is an easy fix for Tempe AC repair.

2# The Heater Or AC Won't Turn On. An HVAC that only turns on occasionally can be your home thermostat is faulty.

3# Temperatures differ from one room to the next. If you spend time in one room and then move to another and feel cold even if you sweat, it means your temperatures are different in each room. Such temperature swings could be your thermostat turns your HVAC system on and off at random.


If you are unsure about any of these, to get it sorted, you can quickly Contact Rescue One Air to schedule Air conditioning maintenance or find advice on other issues. For a direct reply, complete the compact form below for a fast response.

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