Reduce Noise From Air Conditioners? Phoenix AC Maintenance

Phoenix AC Maintenance

You may be frustrated if your air conditioner is noisy throughout the summer. Some noisy ACs need repairs. Some ACs are old or in the wrong spot. When your air conditioner makes more noise than you'd like, you should first assess if something is incorrect or if you only need to make a few adjustments.

It can be helpful knowing Phoenix AC maintenance can help keep your AC in the best condition and cancel out the following noises here


Problem Sounds Needing Phoenix AC Maintenance

If your air conditioner makes noises, check to see if it's broken. You can learn more about what's wrong based on the sounds you hear.


Gurgling sounds from inside the house are prevalent. This quiet sound shows that your air conditioner requires repair. This usually shows a clogged or holed drain line. The drain line transports the moisture that the air conditioner draws from the air away from the house, so you'll find it outside or near a basement drain.


Several things can cause rattling sounds. First, remove your air conditioner fan's twigs, branches, or leaves to stop the noise.

A faulty electrical contactor system may also cause rattling. In this scenario, you'll need a professional air conditioner technician to come to your home. You should have it done sooner rather than later because a damaged electrical contactor can cause more damage to other system components.


If your air conditioner buzzes, there may be difficulties. The fan motor could be faulty. Unbalanced fan blades and dirty condenser coils are also issues.

Otherwise, the air conditioner's copper lines may be obstructed. A refrigerant leak is another possibility. Therefore, fix your air conditioner as soon as possible to minimize further harm.


Humming sounds could show a faulty contactor relay switch. When the thermostat delivers a signal, this part of your air conditioner turns on the condenser outdoors. If you hear this buzzing, you may soon be without air conditioning if you don't call a pro.


Screeching noises show a bad fan or compressor motor on the exterior unit. Even if you're unsure, have an HVAC technician check it out. The air conditioner's inside fan motor may be bad if you hear screeching from within the house. Otherwise, it could be a broken fan belt.


If you hear hammering, check the compressor. As the compressor ages, pieces can become loose and bang when the AC runs.


When Your AC Isn't Broken

Older air conditioners are louder since modern versions reduce noise. However, if your air conditioner isn't broken, there are ways to reduce the noise.

Fence Your Outdoor AC Unit

First, enclose your outdoor unit. Even a wooden fence absorbs some AC sound waves. Vinyl fences are also helpful. Although you want to prevent sound waves from escaping, employ a lattice or slatted fence since the air conditioner needs efficient ventilation.

Keep Your AC Away From Any Brick

Be extremely careful about soundproofing and air conditioner placement if you have a brick home. The sound waves will bounce and travel far if an air conditioner is next to a brick wall. So don't put a new air conditioner close to a brick wall.


Phoenix AC Maintenance

Get Help To Reduce AC Noises With Phoenix AC Maintenance

If you need help with any of the above, you need the support and backup of the best. If you want to inspect your AC system, you are advised to Contact Rescue One Air, or you can complete the minor form below for a fast response.

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