Tempe AC Maintenance. Air Filters and How to Care for Them

Tempe AC Maintenance. Air Filters and How to Care for Them

The air filter in your HVAC system is the most undervalued component. This silent guardian keeps dust, debris, and pollutants from wreaking havoc on your HVAC system by trapping them inside the filter. This page will go over the many types of air filters, how to change them, and what happens if you don’t change them.

Find out why frequent Tempe air conditioning repair is necessary to keep your system in good working order.


What Are Air Filter Types?

The MERV rating is used to assess the efficiency of different air filters. The numbers range from 1 to 16. As a result, a MERV 16 is required for optimal indoor air quality.

Hospital inpatient care rooms, operating rooms, and other areas where airborne pollutants are a problem require the highest-quality MERV air filters on the market.

You might save money on energy expenditure if you avoided using these in your house because they are so densely woven that they block ventilation, raising your energy bills.

Most homeowners want a rating between 5 and 8, but those who require a higher grade may consider going as high as 12.


How Often Do I Need to Change Air Filters?

Because an air filter absorbs impurities and grime, it will not endure indefinitely. If you don’t make a change, it can cause damage to your system.

According to the manufacturer, change your filter every 12 months if you live alone and do not have any pets or allergies. It should be changed every three months in a household without pets.

If you have one cat or dog, change the filter every two months to avoid being blocked with dander. However, if you have any pets or anyone in your family suffers from allergies, you may need to change it every 30 days or more.


Tempe AC Maintenance. Air Filters and How to Care for Them

Where To Get Help With AC Air Filters in Tempe, AZ?

It is possible that failing to change your air filter could cause various difficulties that mimic more severe concerns.

It is possible to experience short cycling when installing an air conditioner in a home that is too large for it. Unfortunately, it is more common than you might think to have an air conditioner that is too large for your home, and the only answer is to replace it.

Short cycling is caused by a filthy air filter; replacing that filter is a simple procedure.

That’s why, when you need air conditioning repair in Tempe, Contact Rescue One Air to schedule Air conditioning maintenance or if you have other urgent needs, then complete the compact form below for a fast response.

You can check out our customer reviews or browse through the Rescue One Air video library to see our AC repair crews in action for further information.


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